Category Archives: Art of Marketing You

Pinterest: What is it and Why Do I Want to Participate?

“Pinterest hits 10 million U.S. Monthly Uniques Faster Than Any Standalone Site Ever” says comScore. It’s the site where 18-34 year old upper income women are gathering to share ideas, images and connect with each other. Should you be participating on Pinterest and how do you do it? I share a step-by-step tutorial and marketing reasons why you should be using this to build your brand and your Know, Trust, Like factor. Continue Reading

8 Ways Your Work Can Become a Transformative Object:

Objects. They are created by one’s hands, touched by another, owned, traded, traveled the road, forged and smithed, rubbed when sad, and worn when happy. They are currency, connect us to time, are symbolic, intimate, precious, powerful, and have much deeper meaning than the materials they are made from. They can and do transform lives. You work should be much more than just an object. What will be it’s worth and meaning? Will it transform someone’s emotions, life, or even day? Continue Reading

5 Ways to Communicate Your Story with Your Customer Through Your Work

Companies rely on 5 influential factors when they successfully sell. Allowing your work to capture the emotion and energy with which it’s created and then sharing that with others will result in sales. Your story and the story of your work is key to making this connection. So reach down deep and incorporate this story into your work, your website, your brand and your selling techniques. Continue Reading

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