Procrastination – get ‘er done

Yippeee! Spring is upon us.

I love everything about spring….except Spring Cleaning!

Maybe you are also itching to clean the closet, the studio, the bench, the car, etc.  Or maybe you want to start a new exercise program to prepare for short/bathing suit season?

If you are anything like me you’ve got projects that you *want* to do.  Where in the heck do we start?  If you are anything like me, your list is too long.

I wish I naturally just went and attacked my to-do list.  Like with a meat cleaver!

Instead, what often happens is paralysis sets in and procrastination rears it’s ugly head.  So what can I do to keep forward progress in motion?

Here’s 5 easy steps to get ‘er done:

1. Figure out your priorities and tackle the biggest one first.   If you are looking for a little inspiration, I recommend Brian Tracy’s book: Eat that Frog!

2. Do it first thing in the morning.  I bet you can wake up 15-20 minutes earlier  to work on it.  A little at a time won’t seem so overwhelming.

3. Set out all your tools for the job.  Going to work out?  Set out all your workout clothes.  Going to clean out that car?  Get the garbage bag, windex, and armor all.  This way you’ve got no excuses.

4. Get an accountability partner or partner in crime!  An accountability partner holds you accountable for the things you tell them you want to accomplish.  This can be a friend, spouse, partner, co-worker.

5. Break it down into baby steps so you can experience completion.  Maybe just cleaning out one drawer in those short 15-20 minutes every morning.  Wow…wouldn’t that fill good?

Put yourself first once in awhile.  Don’t procrastinate on spending time creating, getting your nails done, or reading that book.  How about treating yourself to 15 minutes of what you want!  It’s okay.  No one will mind and you’ll be so much more joyful and happy.

Happy St. Patty’s Day!  Happy Spring!

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