Art of Marketing You–Goal Setting I


We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.  With our thoughts we make our world.”  

–The Buddha. 


There are so many great quotes regarding success. Is it really that easy to manifest success?  It just takes free will.  Ultimately our thoughts control our destiny.  If you think you can you can.  If you think you can’t, then you’re right too.



Inquiring minds want to know….did you manage to get out that paper and writing instrument and jot down your goals this past week?  I heard from 4 brave souls willing to share with us their ideas about goal setting and marketing themselves.  Bravo to you!  Pat yourselves on the back.  What about the rest of you.  Surely there are more than 4 people that read my silly blog.  Have you made any progress that you’d like to share?

Did you have thoughts of success this week. Did your thoughts include masterful dreaming, visioning, goal setting and time management.  Or did you put self marketing again to the back burner?  It’s a 24 hour a day job.  It’s tempting to put it aside, but like drinking and eating it should be a part of each day.


If it’s hard for you to sit and write down your goals, start with dreaming.  Dreaming is fun.  Your dreams should be outrageous, whimsical, fun, reasonable, and practical.  All of the above.  Sit in a comfy chair and start to dream the things you’d like for your self, for your art, for your business of one.  Now write them down.  Like the brain dump I’ve talked about before, let it flow and don’t edit your thoughts.  Just write them down as in stream of consciousness writing.  When you are finished, begin editing and organizing those thoughts.  Can you come up with 100+ dreams or goals, personal or business?   

Lou Holtz, the famed football coach of Notre Dame, had a list of 108 goals, written down, in his late twenties.  At 71, he has achieved 102 of his goals including winning a national championship, meeting the pope, eating dinner at the White House and more.   Another example, in 1953, the graduating class of Yale participated in a survey.  The survey showed that only 4 percent had clearly defined and set goals for their future.  In 1973 that graduating class was revisited.  They found that the same 4 percent who had set their goals, 20 years earlier, were worth more than than the 96 remaining percent of their class combined.  Yes, not all value of success is monetary, but in this instance it was the value of measure.  In 20, 30 or 40 years, you’ll look back and see all the wonderful thing you’ve achieved on your list….IF you make a list.  Did you know that only 3-4 percent set written goals for themselves.  Think what we could do as a society, as one world, if we set forth to achieve our desires by setting actual concrete goals.  All that…imagine that!

What is it that you want to attract into your life?  How can you expect to achieve anything if you haven’t asked for it.  You are a magnet of energy.  If you don’t know or ask for what you desire how can that energy come back to you?  

Have I convinced you yet?  It’s a unique opportunity to be part of something big. Not an entire society or world, but a group of amazing artisans together setting goals, attracting powerful energy and success.  I’d love to hear from more of you this week.  You had a pass last week, but this is the week.  Try it.  What do you have to lose.  Just lots to gain πŸ™‚  Be part of a collective brainstorming marketing group.  It just takes 40 days to start a habit.  63 days left in the year.  Wouldn’t that be a kick to have started a new habit, a marketing plan for success, and have it under our belt before our New Year!  We’ll have no need for those silly resolutions.

My comment box is open…or email me at

May your creative blessings overflow this week! πŸ™‚

3 Responses to Art of Marketing You–Goal Setting I

  1. “What is it that you want to attract into your life? How can you expect to achieve anything if you haven’t asked for it. You are a magnet of energy. If you don’t know or ask for what you desire how can that energy come back to you?”
    That’s the key, isn’t it. To be able to focus on a goal and ask for it. But how to do that? You can ask the proverbial aether, or you can ask yourself to step up to the plate and perform for yourself instead of someone or something else. When you do that, you are often perceived as being selfish, self-centered, and a traitor to the corporate or family goals. The key is to walk this tightrope and get to the platform at the end of it. Only one person can stand on that platform – it should be the platform of your personal artistic goals and it should be you standing on that platform.
    Sandra Graves, Isis Rising
    IsisRising08 @
    Artistic Endeavors with Wings of Light
    Blog at
    Stormcloud Trading Co (Beadstorm)
    More than “Just” a Beadstore
    Saint Paul, Minnesota USA

  2. Tonya, About goals;
    I have done a workshop I called The Path with Heart and in it setting goals is supported by dreaming, imaging, day dreaming and journaling. I have found that ” free writing” helped erase our built in censor and the “truth” slips out. Like for me at my stage and age, what I want is time, joy, peace and a place to play.. thus the bead business was born.
    It was very different than the old goal… helping people in the public sector.
    If you imagine being in a situation or fully experiencing something .. that vision certainly helps rearrange your thoughts and actions to enable you to get there. Fear keeps us from allowing that imagining to work. Some folks are in terror about thinking life could be different.
    Setting goals, dreaming your future, jumping in the fray are all part of the tools in business or anywhere else in life.
    I have a “Dream Jar” where people over 20 years have written their dreams on a tiny piece of paper and added to the jar to “germinate” I treasure that jar and all those wonderful dreams all cooking together on my shelf. Thanks for posting about this topic. Joan Tucker Off Center Productions

  3. Thanks for the stories about goal setting. It’s nice to be reminded of those.
    I wonder if certain times of year are better for goal setting and other times for reflecting. I find that in the late fall and winter I tend to be in more of a reflective place and find it harder to set new goals. Everyone wants to set New Year’s Resolutions in January and it seems easier to set them and achieve them in the spring-time.
    I appreciate your comment about starting with dreaming and then going from there.
    Darren Barr-Engstrom
    Coach My Life

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